
09:44 (Sydney time)
So my 1.5 days of travel are over, and now, at 9:44 am Aussie time, I have arrived in Sydney. The fly in was amazing, and thanks to Xanax, I was able to enjoy the 3 of the 14-hour flight that I was conscious, as opposed to freaking out about a wing of the plane dismantling.
As I write this, I am waiting for my parents and brother at the Sydney airport. I have no clue their flight number, but I know they’re either coming from Honolulu or Auckland at approximately 10:30 am. I am surprisingly refreshed and after a good shower, I’ll be ready to check this city out.
Did I mention that this place is incredibly beautiful? The only downside so far is the seemingly endless flow of Asians running over my feet with their luggage and barking crazy slant-eye talk across the airport at each other. It has been a true test of will avoiding the duty-free chocolate shop during the wait for my family.
I have flown half-way across the world and toured Sydney by motor coach and by boat, and it is only 9 p.m. This city is a charming mix of San Francisco, Seattle and Naples, with beaches that rival the ones on Kauai. It’s very pleasant weather; I got to wear a scarf and peacoat today, but my nose did not get cold.
Things I have learned today:
+Toyota makes a Prius for wrong-sided drivers.
+Everything is 20% off here due to the exchange rate.
+Asians with Aussie accents are strangely charming.
+The Queen of England’s 80th birthday was today.
+My family is absolutely amazing.
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