
I just saw a commercial for a ringtone that is a high pitched frequency that can't be heard by adults, so kids can have their phones on at school and at family dinners and their teachers/parents won't hear them ringing. In the commercial, they play the ring, and I can't hear a damn thing. I am hoping it comes on again before I leave to visit Daria so I can listen really hard and not feel like an old person.

I remember learning about this certain frequency a couple of months ago; I heard that owners and managers of establishments that attract teenage loitering (i.e. convenience stores) would start using the frequency outside to keep kids from hanging around their stores and meddling. If only this noise could be used in combination with the "brown noise" so kids could involuntarily shit their pants and then get headaches and leave crying.


Blogger noone said...

what you are referring to is called "Presbycusis." the hearing range of humans is generally considered to be 20Hz to 20kHz. however, this is a very rough estimate. hearing ability deteriorates over time, and most people ~60 years of age and older cant tend to "hear" over 16kHz.

"Teen Buzz" is the idea of using sound frequencies just over the common threshold of hearing for "adults" to repel teenagers (damn punks). there is no reason that if you heard the commercial again, and learned how to pay attention to frequencies that high (which arent common), you couldnt hear the pitch.

9:38 AM  
Blogger serota said...

thank you, john. i'm glad i can count on you for information on sound science.

6:18 PM  

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