
new job. new place. same love.

I've obtained an amazing job with
Yeh IDeology as a junior recruiter. Things are getting back to normal. I didn't post anything about all the crappy stuff that happened the past month because frankly, I don't want to think about it, nor do I want anyone to remember me by it. I am so grateful that I had an amazing man by my side to support me and tolerate my awful demeanor. I'm happy to say that I have fixed the broken parts of my life, and I can only hope that all that the people and things that I have compromised for the past couple of months can forgive me, and remember why they love me.

I have a new place to live on west 106th street. I'm excited to be near the park; I can rollerskate whenever I want now!!! I'm living with two ladies in a very comfortable apartment. It's going to be strange to sleep in my own bed again.

I found out yesterday that my brother is coming to visit for the New Year, and I'm so god damn excited.
I spent this evening/night with Joseph walking around the financial district and eating at an extremely intense French restaurant with funny tasting vodka.

I am about to go to sleep, and Awesome has his head on my toes and life is good. I miss a boy. Goodnight.


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